Saturday, January 3, 2009

a new haji and hajjah returned home safely

i just came back from my kampung with my little girl and wife. We made a trip home to welcome my younger brother and wife who safely returned home after performing the Haj.

alhamdulillah both of them were in the good state of health. Thanx to the AlMighty who has given them the safe trips to the Holy land and also a safe trip back home.

both of them did looked slim and of course it is good for them. They were warmly welcomed by all the relatives who have been waiting patiently for their return. There were tears dropping by of course among them.

we hold some simple doa selamat for their safe return. As usual the atmosphere were really warm among all of us. Started cooking at 9.30 am and by 11.30 am lunch were served.

as it is now, among us the five brothers, the only one without the title Haji is ME. Insyaallah, God willing I will be there with my wife later.

to sum up, it was a good day for my youngest also. We did visit my mum in law on the way back to KL.

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