Thursday, October 6, 2011

Cameron Highland lagi

1 wk b4 my 2nd girl flew back to London, we hv the oppurtunity to spend our wkend at Cameron Highland with our family friends whom are also related to us. I used the chance to try my new Harrier which was delivered to me that evening.

Reached home with the new car at around 8 pm and shoot off to CH by 9. We reached there by 1.30 am in the morning.

The weather was really cold and luckily all were prepared with the jackets. Spent our days roaming around, visiting the nite market, KIA farm etc. Enjoyed homely prepared steam boat (thanx to Bob and faridah).

ih has been such an overdue vacation for both families as the last time we spent our holidays together was when the girls and boys were in primary school.

it was an enjoyable outing for both families and the pics posted told everythings. Hoped my girl in London will cherish this moment.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Beijing trip and bye bye 2010

17-22 Dis 2010. More pics coming. 2010 is going to fade away, Welcome 2011

Saturday, October 30, 2010

shocking hse phone bill

this girl of mine has made me crazy when I opened up the latest hse tel bil. A shocking figure, thought it was a mistake but after looking at it a few times then I realised it was real.

luckily she is away in London if not for sure I will be losing my temper as most calls were made by her.

warning given to her while chatting not to do it again when coming back for holidays later.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

missing her

26th Sept 2010 my 2nd girl flew to London in order to persue her 1st Degree at the City University. The whole family were at the KLIA to send her off. A bit of emotional drama seen as she was the first girl in the family that going to be away from us, far away as mentioned by her eldest not Jakarta or Singapore but London which need 13 hours flight (direct).

I managed to control my emotion that day, so did the mum. We have to be srtong as we don't want her to be emotional down and cried. My wife said this to her:- Dik, you are going to study only and will be back when there is a semester break, so nothing to be sad of.

A special thanks to Mr Zakie the former CEO of KYUEM and other staffs of KYUEM, Azman and Robaihah for being at the airport to send the students off. Not forgetting the family members and friends of my girl.

Life has been a bit quiet with out her as she is the most talkative among all. The re will be no one around to debate with me and not to agree with me in many things.

Learned that she has settle down and got a room there, sharing the apartment with two other girls. The mum has been online with her, thanks to the IT (skype la).

My dear girl, please be focus on your study. Apak wish you all the best.

Loved and Missing you my girl!!!!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

kenapa aku malas menulis

penangan fb barangkali. Malas sungguh rasanya, sampai kadang2 ada kawan2 dan juga isteri sendiri bertanya kenapa.

2010 dah hampir 2 bulan berlalu dan ini catatan pertama aku yg tak punya tujuan sambil menonton epl antara wigan vs spurs.

anak keduaku telah dapat tawaran bersyarat utk melanjutkan pelajarannya ke Homerton College,Cambridge University dalam bidang Ekonomi tp memerlukan pencapaian 3A's dgn
1 A*. Kalau ada rezeki,Sept nanti terbanglah dia.

harapanku moga dia dpt fokus dlm A Levelnya, lnsyaallah

Sunday, December 20, 2009

it was her year

2009 hanya tinggal bbrp hari shj lagi dan bagi aku tahun 2009 ini adalah merupakan tahun cemerlang buat isteriku.

tahun 2009 juga merupakan tahun keputusan peperiksaan SPM anak kedua kami diketahui dan syukur beliau telah memperolehi keputusan yg cemerlang dan menyambung kegembiraan atas keputusan PMR anak bongsu kami.

isteriku adalah insan yang paling gembira sekali kerana penat lelahnya telah dibayar dgn excellent rslt oleh anak2, aku pun tumpang gembira dan mungkin lebih lagi kot.

terima kasih isteriku atas segala kesabaranmu dengan kerenah anak2, tanpa pengorbananmu tak mungkin anak2 kita akan dapat keputusan yg tlh mereka perolehi. Doamu yg tak pernah jemu dan tanpa rasa putus asa kepada Ilahi telah memberikan kita sebuah senyuman kepuasan.

kita kini sekakin hampir dan membilang hari akan pemergian anak kedua kita (dgn izin Allah) melanjutkan studynya keluar negeri dan pastinya kita akan merasa kesunyian yang amat sangat kerana dialah yang paling keletah dikalangan mereka bertiga.

kita juga sudah jarang2 ditemani mereka ke majlis2, tidak seperti waktu mereka kecil dulu yg sentiasa bersama kita ke mana shj kita pergi. Yang pastinya kita perlu bersiap sedia untuk menghadapi kesunyian itu.

sebagai isteri, 2009 adalah your year. You have done well not only as a wife, a mother and not to forget as a daughter to my mum in law. Thank you very much my dear Yang.

may 2010 will be a much better year for our family, Insyaallah

Saturday, November 21, 2009

23rd anniversary

21st nov 2009 marked the 23rd years of my marriage with my lovely wife, cikgu normah. With the presence of our 3 lovely daughters we were blessed by Allah the Almighty with a happy atmospheres through out our marriage.

thanx u so much my dearest wife for being my lovely companion, my best friend and my everything all these while. Without you beside me life wouldn't be this wonderful and meaningful to me.

as i used to say to our daughters while we were having tea up there at cameron highland,you had sacrificed your life for me, i told them i won't let you down. And of course with the blessing of Allah.

without friends (close/best) around you, family is everything. You have done your best as a wife and a mother and not to forget as a daughter. If grade were to be given, i would not hesitate to give you a 10 flat. What a wonderful companion you are to me....

as all our grown up daughters are trying to produce the best out of the best, the supports and courage given by you helps a lot. You are the best place for them to discuss anythings and you have proven to be the best advisor to them.

thank you so much Yang. Loves you.