Friday, July 18, 2008

long overdue

almost a month i have not been writing here. Agak sibuk lately. Malaysian politic is in turmoil again with the latest issue on anwar and also the new landscape where an open debate was being held between anwar and shabery cheek. Anwar has been held for questioning by the police and of course as expected he was not giving 100 % coorperation. For watever reason it was his right to do so.

on the debate it was a new era totally though we were not going to decide who the winner is but the courage by both parties should be followed by others. Anwar was on his usual form and shabery who was a former student leader should be saluted for his courage to take on anwar.

we are going back to kampong tomorrow and it has been long overdue. My daughters wanted to have breakfast at Yut Sun (of course kat Taiping) and nak makan cucur udang dan mee rebus kat Port Weld. If i have time i will try to visit my eldest kat gerik and makan durian with pulut and santan (perh.....sedapnya)

hoped ti is going to be an enjoyable weekend

1 comment:

Mohamad Faizal Abdul Ralib said...

best betul dapat makan durian.. cuti weekend nie tp Najah ada sukan plak pada hari Ahad.. Bulan depan la balik Gerik.. Anak2 sihat...