Thursday, August 28, 2008

anwar back to parliament

dsai was sworn in today as MP after his landslide victory during the by election held recently. He was also made the head of the opposition in the parliament.

it will be tough in the days ahead for pak lah and co as anwar will be raising issues and demanding answers from the govt.

i did agree with tun m that anwar could convince even the devil to follow him. That was his biggest asset and ones could not deny it. As one of my friend who is also an MP for PKR, Abdullah Sani (Edwardians) put it, anwar is at par with the late Soekarno.

for the rakyat that who has given him the mandate and support for sure they will be eagerly waiting for the changes from him as promised b4 the by election and also prior to it.

is pak lah a match to anwar? i don't think so. The demand for pak lah to step down is on the increase lately be it within or outside the party. Beside tun who has been very vocal in asking pak lah to step down, same goes to his son mukhriz. I believed there are many more in the party itself but they don't have the guts in calling the shot.

b4 the by election, i did tell some of my friends that it will be an easy task for anwar to wrest back the seat made vacant by his wife to pave the way for his return to parliament. Some were with me and of course some were not.

could anwar form the government comes this Sept 16 as promised? will the cross over takes place? I wonder and it is going to be a quessing game till the date approach. Lets wait and see.

may DSAI deliver as an MP and also the opposition head for the benefit of the rakyat.


geeGrik said...

Since PKR is short of candidates, perhaps my uncle could take one seat in the next election ;-)

Mohamad Faizal Abdul Ralib said...

I agreed with that statement.. He is capable to be MP and he would run the country like run the business...