Monday, September 8, 2008

berbuka tanpa rokok

dah masuk hari yang ke 9 kita berpuasa. Dah 9 hari jugalah aku berbuka puasa dan tidak menikmati rokok selepas makan dan bersahur yang telah menjadi kewajipan dan rutin sejak sekian lama.

sesuatu yang amat memerit dan berat nak dicapai. Tapi i have to have the guts to quit and stop smoking totally. My wife is always there to give the courage and strenght.

do i have the strenght to kick off the habit that has been with me for the last 30 yrs? I think I do.

rm9 is the new cost for a pack of 20's. Just imagine the price keep on rising every year. When i first started smoking, it was $1.70 (that was during varsity days). jgn kira berapa blh save lagi.

hoping that i will manage to kick off the habit totally though sometimes rasa macam semuanya tak kena. The temptation is always there. So kena kuat semangat, bukannya sikit. Tambahan pula kawan2 bila minum lepas terawih tu sure berasap. Tabahkan hati je.

for all in the family of mine, your supports is very much appreciated.


Mohamad Faizal Abdul Ralib said...

I know you can do it.. Moreover, "rokok" would not give any benefit to u and also toward the whole family.. -:)

Unknown said...

Kalau kau datang malam tu kat PJ semasa meeting dinner for KEVII Rugby I'm sure you'll merokok balik. Nasib baik kau tak datang. Member2 semua ade, Usop Mat Arip, Bocat, Mariapan, Jalil, aku and ramai lagi...

From Hamdan

Anonymous said...

nasihat kat ayah sket..
berenti rokok gak..hehe