(artikel ini dipetik dari malaysian insider)
- yang seronok kalau baca komen2. Ada yg sokong dan juga tak setuju. Nilaikan
JULAI 26 - Saya tidak menafikan bahawa kematian Teoh Beng Hock perlukan kepada pembelaan. Saya amat mengalu-alukan keputusan Kabinet untuk menubuhkan satu inkues dan Suruhanjaya Bebas Diraja untuk menyiasat dan menentukan punca kematian Beng Hock.
Siasatan yang telus dan rapi mesti dijalankan tanpa rasa takut agar dapat memuaskan hati semua pihak, apatah lagi pihak keluarga dan parti pembangkang yang begitu bersungguh-sungguh dalam isu ini.
Namun, saya merayu, semua parti berkepentingan, supaya bersabar menunggu sehingga siasatan selesaikan dijalankan. Di kala itu, kita akan mengetahui apa yang benar, apa yang salah dan siapa yang benar dan siapa yang salah. Selepas itu juga, kita boleh bercakap dan berkokok berpuas-puasnya mengenai perkara ini.
Hukumlah mereka yang bersalah, tetapi jangan jadi Tuhan sebelum sesuatu perkara dibuktikan. Saya amat takut politik mahukan jadi Tuhan yakni dengan membuat andaian pelik-pelik, yang mana hanya Tuhan sahaja yang Maha Mengetahui sebelum sesuatu perkara dibuktikan.
Dalam menganalisis isu ini, saya teramat hairan kenapa tiga parti politik Cina, MCA, Gerakan dan DAP, serta parti pembangkang Melayu yang lain begitu bersungguh-sungguh membuat pelbagai andaian dengan menuding jari kepada pihak-pihak tertentu, tanpa menunggu keputusan siasatan.
Saya tidak menafikan ada yang tidak kena dengan cara Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) mengendalikan kes ini. Namun, tindakan menuding hari ini seolah-olah memperlihatkan mereka mahu memenangi hati orang Cina, demi kepentingan politik. Lebih-lebih lagi parti-parti komponen seperti Gerakan dan MCA yang telah mula hilang kepercayaan orang Cina.
Ketua Wanita MCA mengeluarkan kenyataan lebih ekstrem mendesak Menteri Dalam Negeri supaya anak yang dikandung oleh teman wanita Beng Hock diletakkan status anak sah taraf dan bukan anak luar nikah. Sedangkan kita semua tahu bahawa mereka belum berkahwin secara rasmi atau telah bersekedudukan tanpa nikah. Bermakna, anak itu tetap anak zina atau anak luar nikah (anak tidak sah taraf). Berapa ramai lagi anak luar nikah yang ingin kita sahkan hasil daripada hubungan luar nikah ini.
Sedarkah Ketua Wanita MCA betapa ramai gadis-gadis Melayu Islam yang menjadi mangsa (bersekedudukan dengan pasangan Islam atau bukan Islam, sama ada secara paksa atau sukarela) melahirkan anak luar nikah tanpa dibinkan kepada bapa mereka? Kenapa MCA tidak memperjuangkan nasib mereka? Kenapa MCA tidak pergi berjumpa Menteri Dalam Negeri untuk mengesahkan semua hubungan sumbang ini? Apa pun jua punca kematian Beng Hock, hubungan yang haram tetap haram, ia tidak boleh disahkan, hanya kerana insiden ini.
Jika ditakdirkan Gautama Buddha (juga Konfusius dan Lao Tzu) masih hidup, sudah tentu tindakan Ketua Wanita MCA ini akan dicela kerana ajaran Buddha (juga agama lain, terutama agama Islam) mengharamkan sama sekali perbuatan berkesedudukan (zina) tanpa nikah, apatah lagi sehingga melahirkan anak luar nikah.
Saya amat mengharapkan parti-parti politik Cina bertindak waras dan jangan terlalu ekstrem. Fikirkanlah hati orang lain jua bila mengeluarkan sesuatu kenyataan, terutama orang Melayu.
Orang Melayu tidak kurang yang menjadi mangsa seperti Beng Hock. Persoalannya, berapa ramai di kalangan kita yang bangun membela mangsa tersebut? Kenapa bila seorang Cina meninggal dunia (kita masih belum mendapat puncanya), Malaysia seolah-olah seperti macam nak kiamat atau dilanda tsunami.
Saya juga amat bersimpati dengan Beng Hock, tetapi beliau sudah ditakdirkan meninggal dunia dalam keadaan sedemikian. Mesti ada hikmah di sebaliknya. Tidak bolehkah kita tunggu hingga siasatan selesai.
Saya ingin bertanya kepada parti-parti politik Cina, akhbar-akhbar Cina dan parti-parti politik pembangkang Melayu, sejauhmanakah pembelaan dibuat sekiranya ia berlaku di kalangan orang Melayu? Misalnya, pembunuhan gadis model Mustakizah Jaafar pada 14 November
1998. Berapa ramai yang bersungguh-sungguh menunjukkan belang mereka. Apakah MCA, Gerakan dan DAP begitu bersungguh-sungguh menunjukkan pembelaan terhadap Mustakizah?
Berapa ramai yang tampil berdemonstrasi dan menyerahkan memo bantahan atau mendesak supaya suruhanjaya diraja ditubuhkan. Adakah MCA, Gerakan dan DAP begitu terkehadapan dalam isu ini? Begitu juga dengan Pas dan PKR (belum wujud lagi), adakah mereka begitu bersungguh-sungguh dalam mempertahankan nasib Mustakizah? Sehingga kini, kes kematian Mustakizah masih lagi menjadi misteri.
Saya masih ingat pada November 2005, kononnya tahanan warga China telah dipaksa berbogel dan ketuk ketampi oleh seorang anggota polis wanita semasa dalam tahanan. Aksi tersebut telah dirakam dan gambarnya menghiasi dada-dada akhbar tempatan terutamanya akhbar berbahasa Cina. Dengan rasa bersalah yang teramat sangat, walaupun belum dibuktikan, kerajaan ketika itu telah mengarahkan Menteri Dalam Negeri, untuk segera terbang ke China bagi menjelaskan sebarang kekeliruan yang mungkin timbul akibat daripada kejadian tersebut.
Semua ini hasil desakan dan tindakan ekstrem MCA, Gerakan dan DAP, termasuk akhbar-akhbar Cina, serta tidak ketinggalan parti-parti pembangkang. Setelah siasatan dijalankan, ternyata gadis yang dipaksa berbogel itu bukan warga China tetapi seorang gadis Melayu. Malang sungguh menjadi orang Melayu, selepas itu, kes ini tidak lagi dibincangkan, malah menjadi senyap dan tidak dibahaskan lagi di dada-dada akhbar, terutama akhbar Cina.
Apa yang saya maksud di sini ialah bila sesuatu kejadian yang menimpa orang Melayu, tidak ramai yang berasa sensitif tetapi bila orang lain terutamanya (Cina dan India), seolah-olah hari sudah hampir kiamat seperti tidak ada isu lain yang hendak dibincangkan lagi.
Kita jarang berpolitik untuk mempertahankan apa yang benar dan apakah yang salah? Tetapi kita lebih banyak berpolitik dengan politik yang merugikan iaitu menuding jari untuk melihat siapakah yang menang
(benar), siapakah yang kalah (salah). Politik hanya untuk mencari keuntungan politik atau mendapat undi politik, sedangkan maruah agama dan bangsa tergadai. Berbaloikah dengan berpolitik sebegini? Sedangkan orang lain sentiasa mengambil kesempatan hasil dari kelemahan kita?
Kita juga jarang berpolitik melihat kepentingan semua kaum, tetapi berpolitik secara sempit mempertahankan kaum sendiri sehingga hilang rasional akal. Tujuannya tidak lain, untuk mempertahankan kuasa dan memancing undi. Masing-masing mahu menjadi jaguh kaum, dengan mengenepikan kepentingan umum. Berapa banyak surau dan masjid dirobohkan untuk tujuan pembangunan? Berapa ramai bukan Islam tampil mempertahankannya? Orang Islam masih boleh menerimanya. Itulah sikap toleransi yang amat saya kagumi.
Tetapi bila ada satu kuil atau tokong dirobohkan bagi tujuan pembangunan, satu Malaysia bagaikan nak ribut dan kelam-kabut seolah-olah telah berlaku penganiayaan terhadap orang bukan Islam.
Malaysia diperlihatkan tidak mengamalkan kebebasan beragama. Macam-macam tuduhan dibuat, tidak cukup dalam negeri, dibawa sama keluar negeri untuk menagih simpati dan memburuk-buruk tanahair sendiri. Berbaloikah?
Sedangkan kita semua sedia maklum bahawa rumah ibadat orang bukan Islam (Hindu, Buddha dan Kristian) melebihi berkali-kali ganda daripada jumlah masjid dan surau.
Jumlah kuil Hindu sahaja sudah melebihi masjid dan surau, apatah lagi jika dicampurkan dengan rumah ibadat agama Buddha dan Kristian dan lain-lain. Sedangkan semua sedia maklum bahawa orang Islam adalah penduduk majoriti dan agama Islam adalah agama rasmi negara ini.
Dari segi logik dan rasionalnya, sudah tentu kita mahu melihat bilangan surau dan masjid melebihi rumah ibarat yang lain, dengan mengambil kira sejarah dan keistimewaan Islam (Melayu) seperti yang termaktub dalam perlembagaan.
Tetapi adakah ia berlaku? Jawapannya, tidak. Realiti yang jelas adalah, kita mempunyai patung yang tertinggi dan terbesar di dunia, walaupun penduduknya hanya berjumlah lebih kurang 10 peratus. Beginilah nasib Melayu di bumi Melayu. Terlalu menjaga hati orang, sehingga hati sendiri terguris tiada siapa yang tahu atau mungkin orang lain tak ingin ambil tahu, sebab tidak berkaitan atau tidak menguntungkan.
Saya juga teramat ingin mendengar kenyataan daripada orang bukan Melayu (parti politik Cina dan India) tentang pembelaan nasib umat Islam Cina Uighur yang dibunuh secara terancang oleh kerajaan China. Kenapa mereka tidak bersuara menentang tindakan ganas ini?
Hanya kerana orang Cina itu beragama Islam, maka ia menjadi senyap. Bayangkanlah kalau yang terlibat itu adalah Cina yang tidak Islam, sudah tentu mereka akan melompat-lompat.
Begitu juga isu apabila adalah orang Cina/India yang bertindak keluar daripada Islam yakni Murtad atau orang Melayu murtad, berapa ramai bukan Melayu yang tampil ke hadapan memberitahu mereka supaya janganlah murtad.
Berapa ramai kalangan mereka yang memujuk mereka yang mahu murtad agar jangan murtad, hormatilah agama Islam seperti yang termaktub dalam perlembagaan dan jagalah hati orang Melayu Islam. Apa yang selalu kita dengar ialah mereka akan mengapi-apikan lagi mereka yang ingin murtad untuk terus murtad dan mempertahankannya bermati-matian setelah mereka murtad.
Mereka mengatakan ini adalah hak asasi manusia. Tetapi bila mana tiba isu berkaitan Islam, maka semua hak asasi itu hilang entah ke mana. Yang dicari hanya ketidakadilan Islam, ketidakadilan mahkamah syariah dan bermacam-macam lagi.
Ini tidak termasuk lagi isu perebutan mayat saudara baru yang meninggal. Apa yang saya tahu, kita selalu mengalah berhadapan dengan golongan ekstrem ini. Paling menyedihkan, mereka langsung tidak bersyukur apabila kita beralah.
Tetapi apabila mereka tidak mendapat apa yang mereka hajatkan, setelah undang-undang menyebelahi kita, maka kita (agama Islam dan mahkamah syariah) akan dikecam habis-habisan.
Justeru, sudah sampainya kita berpolitik secara matang dengan meletakkan kepentingan semua kaum di hadapan bertunjangkan kepada perlembagaan, berbanding politik etnik (kaum) yang sempit.
Dalam isu Beng Hock ini, bersabar dan tunggulah sehingga siasatan selesai. Jangan membuat andaian dan mengapi-apikan isu ini, kerana ia tidak menguntungkan sesiapa. Yang pergi tetap telah pergi, hidup ini perlu diteruskan. Jadikanlah ia sebagai suatu ikhtibar untuk kita menerokai atau berpolitik dengan lebih baik seperti mana Allah SWT berfirman dalam al-Quran, jadikanlah sesuatu kejadian yang berlaku sebagai pengajaran, wahai orang-orang yang mempunyai pandangan.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
spa ikan keli di tasik dayang bunting
berkesempatan ke langkawi pada cuti sekolah yang lalu dgn isteri dan anak bongsuku.









sempat melawat bbrp destinasi termasuk galeri perdana, tasik dayang bunting, cable car, kaki bukit telaga tujuh dan tak lupa IDAMAN SURI. Tinggal di apartment MBSA (terima kasih krn sewa rm 30 sehari), menyewa kereta untuk kemudahan bergerak.
paling seronok spa ikan keli kat tasik dayang bunting. Nak ke sana dgn bot tp lepas tu kena panjat bukit, mengah oi. Isteriku geli bila tengok banyak ikan keli, aku rilex je,seronok lagi. Bila dicampak roti makan banyak yang datang









sempat melawat bbrp destinasi termasuk galeri perdana, tasik dayang bunting, cable car, kaki bukit telaga tujuh dan tak lupa IDAMAN SURI. Tinggal di apartment MBSA (terima kasih krn sewa rm 30 sehari), menyewa kereta untuk kemudahan bergerak.
paling seronok spa ikan keli kat tasik dayang bunting. Nak ke sana dgn bot tp lepas tu kena panjat bukit, mengah oi. Isteriku geli bila tengok banyak ikan keli, aku rilex je,seronok lagi. Bila dicampak roti makan banyak yang datang
percutian di cameron highland
mengambil kesempatan di hujung minggu tambahan pula isteriku ada lawatan kerja sekolahnya ke sana, kami sekeluarga ikut serta ke cameron highland. Bergerak dari rumah selepas solat jumaat dan menjemput anak keduaku di kyuem dalam perjalanan ke sana. Tiba di destinasi dalam jam 5.00 ptg dan menginap di honeymoon apartment di berinchang.
aktiviti sblh mlm pastinya pasar malm di sana yg terkenal dgn jualan sayur2an dan bunga2an. Tapi tak beli pun sb bukan nak balik lg esok.
sabtu aku dan anak2 ke ladang teh boh di sungai palas selepas menghantar isteri ke kump sekolahnya. Menikmati tea di puncak bukit dgn udara yg sejuk, nyaman dan segar.
balik ke apartment kerana abangku dan anak2 cucunya dah sampai. So, tambah satu apartment (3 bilik) lagi. Ptg kami ke Kea Farm, menjamu mata dgn sayur2an dan bunga2an. Malamnya sekali lagi ke pasar malam. Sesak Cemeron di hujung minggu.
pulang ikut simpang pulai dan sempat ke lpoh untuk makan nasi kandar yg terkenal di hadapan station bas lama tanjung rambutan (wanggei).
sampai rumah Ahad jam 4.00 ptg dan isteriku demam sb tak tahan cuaca sejuk kat atas sana. 2nd girl pun sama....







aktiviti sblh mlm pastinya pasar malm di sana yg terkenal dgn jualan sayur2an dan bunga2an. Tapi tak beli pun sb bukan nak balik lg esok.
sabtu aku dan anak2 ke ladang teh boh di sungai palas selepas menghantar isteri ke kump sekolahnya. Menikmati tea di puncak bukit dgn udara yg sejuk, nyaman dan segar.
balik ke apartment kerana abangku dan anak2 cucunya dah sampai. So, tambah satu apartment (3 bilik) lagi. Ptg kami ke Kea Farm, menjamu mata dgn sayur2an dan bunga2an. Malamnya sekali lagi ke pasar malam. Sesak Cemeron di hujung minggu.
pulang ikut simpang pulai dan sempat ke lpoh untuk makan nasi kandar yg terkenal di hadapan station bas lama tanjung rambutan (wanggei).
sampai rumah Ahad jam 4.00 ptg dan isteriku demam sb tak tahan cuaca sejuk kat atas sana. 2nd girl pun sama....








Tuesday, July 21, 2009
aku terpanggil
last wk my wife was involved in the oral for Bahasa Malaysia paper for private candidates and also school candidates.
the shocking news from what I heard from our conversations was most candidates including the working Malay could not speak proper BM. Worst still candidates from other races. This includes the school candidates as well.
the most surprising news was the Chinese candidates who came from the lower classes (kelas yg belakang - Arts) though couldn't converse well in BM but when asked to describe about themselves were telling the panel that they are working since Form 3 (after school).
surprisingly most of them already had a saving wich accumulated to the thousand of ringgit. When asked what they intended to do with the money they answered it will be for their later life (future) and most will be used as their capital in starting their own business.
they came from the group of students who knew very well that they wouldn't do well in their studies and only came to school for the sake of fulfilling their responsibility as a teenager but they already had a VISION for their own life or future.
does the same goes to the so called Malay youths or students? Point to ponder.
food for thought..
the shocking news from what I heard from our conversations was most candidates including the working Malay could not speak proper BM. Worst still candidates from other races. This includes the school candidates as well.
the most surprising news was the Chinese candidates who came from the lower classes (kelas yg belakang - Arts) though couldn't converse well in BM but when asked to describe about themselves were telling the panel that they are working since Form 3 (after school).
surprisingly most of them already had a saving wich accumulated to the thousand of ringgit. When asked what they intended to do with the money they answered it will be for their later life (future) and most will be used as their capital in starting their own business.
they came from the group of students who knew very well that they wouldn't do well in their studies and only came to school for the sake of fulfilling their responsibility as a teenager but they already had a VISION for their own life or future.
does the same goes to the so called Malay youths or students? Point to ponder.
food for thought..
berakhirnya siri 2/09
kenangan bersama semua pelatih dan jurulatih

sewaktu jamuan dgn tetamu kehormat YB Abdullah Sani dan penuntut terbaik keseluruhan,khalim dari mbsa

jumaat lepas tanggal 17hb julai 2009 telah berlangsung majlis tamat latihan untuk kursus Asas Penguatkuasa Selangor Siri 2/2009.
kursus selama 3 bulan ini telah dihadiri oleh seramai 40 org peserta terdiri dari pelbagai PBT di negeri Selangor dan termasuk 2 org dari Perbadanan Putrajaya. Sebenarnya banyak kerenah mereka ni, tp syukur semua selamat sampai kepenghujung.
didoakan semoga semuanya akan berjaya didalam kerjaya masing2

sewaktu jamuan dgn tetamu kehormat YB Abdullah Sani dan penuntut terbaik keseluruhan,khalim dari mbsa

jumaat lepas tanggal 17hb julai 2009 telah berlangsung majlis tamat latihan untuk kursus Asas Penguatkuasa Selangor Siri 2/2009.
kursus selama 3 bulan ini telah dihadiri oleh seramai 40 org peserta terdiri dari pelbagai PBT di negeri Selangor dan termasuk 2 org dari Perbadanan Putrajaya. Sebenarnya banyak kerenah mereka ni, tp syukur semua selamat sampai kepenghujung.
didoakan semoga semuanya akan berjaya didalam kerjaya masing2
Sunday, July 19, 2009
kenduri ayin
hari ini salah seorang lagi anak saudaraku melangsungkan perkahwinannya, kali ni giliran Azlina atau lebih dikenali sbg Ayin. Hari kenduri merupakan perhimpunan keluarga bagi kami. Ramai saudara yang datang, boleh dikatakan semua from my side. Lihatlah gambar2 yang aku paparkan, tapi gambar pengantin takde...sorry ye!!

























Thursday, July 16, 2009
al-fatihah untuk mak teh Ti
tanggal 15 julai 2009 lebih kurang jam 9.30 pagi emak saudaraku, mak teh ti telah menghembuskan nafasnya yang terakhir. Berada disisinya ketika itu ialah pak long (suaminya) dan beberapa orang anak2nya.
aku mendapat khabar dari isteriku kerana abangku tidak dapat menghubungiku ketika itu. Berada di jugra (kem) ketika menerima berita, aku menyelesaikan kerja2 yang ada dan memberi arahan tertentu kepada pegawai2ku akan perkara yang perlu dibuat sempena perbarisan tamat latihan pada jumaat nanti.
bergegas pulang ke rumah untuk menukar kereta dan mengambil isteriku dan bergerak dalam jam 12.30 t'hari serta tiba di kampung jam 3.30 ptg. Sempat menatap wajah mak teh semasa dikapankan dan berjemaah beramai2 untuk solat sunat jenazah.
kesian mengenangkan pak long yang akan tinggal keseorangan walau pun akan ada anak cucu yang menemankan. Hiba apabila melihat pak long menggagahi diri ingin turut serta mengiringi jenazah ke kubor. Jalannya terpaksa dipimpin oleh sepupuku.
mengenali mak teh, beliau adalah salah seorang emak saudara yang sangat memanjakan anak2 saudaranya termasuk aku. Semuga roh mak teh akan ditempatkan bersama mereka yang beriman dijauhkan dari siksaan di kubor dan api neraka dan dimasukkan ke dalam syurga bersama mereka yang beriman.
al-fatihah untuk mak teh ku. Kini hanya seorang sahaja emak saudaraku yang masih ada dan seorang bapa saudara. Kepada anak2 mereka, jagalah mereka dengan sebaik2nya selagi mereka masih ada hayatnya.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
manek urai
hari ini pengundi2 di manek urai tlh keluar mengundi utk memilih calun bagi mewakili mereka selepas kematian penyandangnya baru-baru ini.
jam 5.00 ptg tadi semua tempat mengundi telah ditutup dgn resminya dan pengiraan undi dikatakan sedang berlangsung sekarang.
parti-parti yang bertanding iaitu PAS dan UMNO masing2 yakin boleh menang.
sama2 kita nantikan keputusannya yang dijangkakan akan dapat diketahui seawal2nya jam 9.00 mlm nanti.
- keptusan PAS menang dgn majoriti 65 undi
jam 5.00 ptg tadi semua tempat mengundi telah ditutup dgn resminya dan pengiraan undi dikatakan sedang berlangsung sekarang.
parti-parti yang bertanding iaitu PAS dan UMNO masing2 yakin boleh menang.
sama2 kita nantikan keputusannya yang dijangkakan akan dapat diketahui seawal2nya jam 9.00 mlm nanti.
- keptusan PAS menang dgn majoriti 65 undi
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Forget about Maths and Science. Teach English IN Bahasa Malaysia!!!
The hullabaloo about teaching Math and Science in Malay goes on. Frankly I am not bothered because my kids are not involved and if whole races choose to commit mass suicide, it is their choice! I don't think Najib's children are involved too but then again, isn't he a bit of an anglophile? I have the perfect solution that even Najib's pea brain can understand... teach English in Bahasa Malaysia!!!
At the rate Malay words rooted in English equivalents are being coined everyday, perhaps in a 100 years we will not have this problem anyway! Bahasa Malaysia will morph into pidgin English. This is a sure way the Melayu akan me-layu. So what else is new? What else is not imported anyway.
The sooner the government realizes it cannot have its cake and eat it the sooner the country (with its Malay majority) can begin to move forward:
1. It wants rural Malays to progress yet it wants them to maintain the pliant kampung mentality.
2. It wants Malays to be proficient in English yet it wants Malay culture to retain its "melayuness"
3. It knows we need strict discipline and pain to force the Malay masses forward towards a culture of meritocracy yet it wants to retain popularity at the ballot boxes in the short term
4. It wants a world class K-economy with independent thinking Malaysians yet for its own popularity it needs Malaysians to be dependent on the state and retain "boxed-in" mentality where values, knowledge base and thinking ability are only relevant in Malaysia.
5. The list goes on...but in a nutshell; the government knows the rural Malays need to "bite the bullet" to gain relevance and progress yet it wants them to have no pain (or rather it cannot afford for them to feel pain)!
- the writer is an old friend of mine and we came from the same schooll (KE VII). His opinion here reflect how the other races looked at this issue of reverting the teaching of science and maths to BM.
- points to ponder. Food for taught
At the rate Malay words rooted in English equivalents are being coined everyday, perhaps in a 100 years we will not have this problem anyway! Bahasa Malaysia will morph into pidgin English. This is a sure way the Melayu akan me-layu. So what else is new? What else is not imported anyway.
The sooner the government realizes it cannot have its cake and eat it the sooner the country (with its Malay majority) can begin to move forward:
1. It wants rural Malays to progress yet it wants them to maintain the pliant kampung mentality.
2. It wants Malays to be proficient in English yet it wants Malay culture to retain its "melayuness"
3. It knows we need strict discipline and pain to force the Malay masses forward towards a culture of meritocracy yet it wants to retain popularity at the ballot boxes in the short term
4. It wants a world class K-economy with independent thinking Malaysians yet for its own popularity it needs Malaysians to be dependent on the state and retain "boxed-in" mentality where values, knowledge base and thinking ability are only relevant in Malaysia.
5. The list goes on...but in a nutshell; the government knows the rural Malays need to "bite the bullet" to gain relevance and progress yet it wants them to have no pain (or rather it cannot afford for them to feel pain)!
- the writer is an old friend of mine and we came from the same schooll (KE VII). His opinion here reflect how the other races looked at this issue of reverting the teaching of science and maths to BM.
- points to ponder. Food for taught
please reverse the policy, it's a very big mistake
artikel ini aku petik dari tulisan syed akhbar ali, cuba kita renungkan. Aku setuju sangat dengan suara hati beliau (pohon izin dimuat turun)
In one of my Four Wheel Drive trips into the jungle some years ago, we stopped at a place called Cheneh in Terengganu. I remember a makcik at a roadside stall made some nice ayam goreng. My good friend Juhaidi was with me and also my two boys.
Cheneh was (and maybe still is) a typical rural backwater. The folks did not seem to know if they were coming or they were going. There was Astro but I think the favorite show was ‘Tom Tom Bak’. But I did recall saying aloud that someday I hope that the folks in Cheneh would watch CNN, BBC and CBS and that we could just drive up and ask the makcik in Cheneh ‘Whats on CNN today?’ But I think that’s not going to happen at all.
Tuan Tuan dan Puan Puan, our Prime Minister Dato Najib has made his first bungle – and within the first 100 days too. No Sirs, it is a major bungle. You have bungled big time.
Lets manage this “crisis in the making” now. First of all please stop from saying anything more about the switch from English to Malay. The more things you say, the more “face saving” devices you will need for you to swallow your pride before you can undo this mistake. But this mistake must be undone.
I just happened to be with Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad yesterday Thursday July 9th 09 slightly after noon when the news came in that the Cabinet had decided to flip flop over the language issue.
Firstly Tun Dr Mahathir raised a simple but valid point. The main reason quoted by Tan Sri Muhyuddin to favor the switch to Malay was that the rural Malay kids were doing poorly in Maths and Science (which are taught in English) compared to the urban kids. But what about exam scores for the rural kids in all other subjects which are taught in the Malay language? Dr Mahathir said no one showed him the statistics for that. Why?
If you say that English is the reason why the rural kids are doing so poorly in Maths and Science, then by your logic the rural kids should be scoring the same as or better than the urban kids in other subjects that are taught in Malay? By your logic rural kids should be doing better than the urban kids in Sejarah, Geografi, Kemahiran Hidup, Bahasa Malaysia and other Malay language subjects.
But we know that rural kids generally score lower than urban kids in most subjects (except maybe Agama). And language has got nothing to do with it. Rural kids are usually found in lower income households, their parents are usually less educated, they have less achievement goals and so forth. That is why you call them ‘children from rural areas’. They are poor people and they are underachievers.
So this comparison with rural kids and urban kids is not fully accurate (Tun Dr Mahathir used another word which I need not repeat here).
Let me give you some street feedback. At least one Internet based employment agency has instructions from its clients to completely ignore any job applicants who are graduates from UITM (University ITM). As we know UITM graduates are all Malays. They say the quality of the graduates is low and their English is bad.. They are unemployable. This is what I heard.
Another preference by another employer – a Multi National Corporation - in the job market is to take in job applicants who are graduates of IPTA (private universities) who have done twinning programs. This means their English is good and they are more marketable. Again this means Malays with poor English skills are not preferred. Bottom of the line.
And here is some news from Cyberjaya. We opened up Cyberjaya and gave foreign investors much benefits and incentives to open business there. Among the foreign investments in Cyberjaya are ‘Call Centers’. Well some ‘Call Centers’ in Cyberjaya take in Indians as a first choice for employment. They feel that generally Indians speak better English. Second choice are Chinese. Finally they will look at Malays as the last choice but rarely. Even with the emphasis on English the past six years, the Malays cannot speak enough English to get a job answering telephones in Call Centers in Cyberjaya.
We cannot shut them down or arrest them under the ISA for practising such discrimination. They come here for business. We must provide them the tools necessary to run their businesses well. We are not doing the job.
To Dato Najib and Tan Sri Muhyuddin Yassin, why are you doing this? Who agrees with you? Who are you afraid of? Takkan UMNO Johor is so powerful to frighten Muhyuddin?
Last nite I met a Deputy Minister and a well known “ultra Malay” ex-newspaper editor. The Deputy Minister said it was a bad decision to switch back to Malay. The ‘ultra Malay’ ex-editor was visibly upset and said “I have no comments. I don’t want to say anything.” I think he did not agree with the switch at all. Another well known “ultra-ultra” Malay defender of all things Malay (if I just mention his job you will know who he is) said the switch to Malay was ‘satu langkah ke belakang’.
A Tan Sri from Kelantan said in English “this is a giant leap backward for the Malays”.
In the present world, the English language is a ‘life giving’ language. The amount of new knowledge and new information that comes out in the English language is astounding. No one can translate all the new knowledge and information that comes out in English EACH and EVERY DAY. It is impossible. We have to master this language. There is no other way.
Then we have the ‘tidak masuk akal’ ideas. Tan Sri Muhyuddin says after the switch back to Malay, he still wants to upgrade the teaching of English in the rural schools. He wants to employ about 1000 native English speakers to teach English in rural schools. By native speaker I do not know if he is referring to Mrs Naidu from Brickfields or if he wants to employ real Mat Sallehs from outside the country.
Mrs Naidu the retired English teacher will gladly teach English to our children for RM3000 per month. But we will have to pay the Mat Sallehs RM15,000 a month or more before they will come to work here.
But if that is a good idea then why not employ 1000 Mat Sallehs at RM15000 a month to teach Maths and Science in English in the rural schools?
Because according to Tan Sri Muhyuddin, it is not the school children in the rural schools who are to be faulted. The real culprits are the teachers. Muhyuddin let the cat out of the bag. Here is what Muhyuddin said (from the Press):“It was based on empirical studies and other specialist reviews,” he said. Based on studies conducted in 2008, he said, the ministry found that only a small percentage of teachers fully used English to teach the two subjects. “On average, the percentage of those using English during Mathematics and Science periods was around 53% to 58%,” he said, adding that only a small number of teachers were proficient. Muhyiddin said studies carried out by local universities found that students’ mastery level of English during the entire policy was around 3% while the level among rural students was low.”
So don’t push the blame on the rural students lah.
It is the teachers who were malas to teach in English. And there are other reasons why some Malay teachers do not use English. Among them are religious reasons because some people believe that speaking English may lead to you ‘jadi kristian’.
Even in the towns (including Kuala Lumpur) it is also considered “showing off” if Malay people speak English. So there are other quite illogical reasons why Malay teachers are shy to speak and teach in English. Don’t just blame it (and quite wrongly too) on the rural school children. That is not correct.
And even if what Tan Sri Muhyuddin is saying is indeed true, why burden the urban kids and dim their chances at a better future just because the rural kids are having problems with English?
Urban kids are usually the children of parents who are more educated, who work in offices, run businesses and generally earn a higher income and enjoy a better standard of living. The rural folks are usually much poorer than the urban folks.
That is why we have to make sure that the rural folks get the same or better opportunities to get out of the poverty cycle and move up in life so that they too can enjoy a standard of living like the urban people. A good education and the ability to converse in English is definitely one way up.
But what this policy reversal has done is to lower the entire national average. Instead of moving the rural people up the ladder, we are now moving moving the urban folks down to the level of the rural people.
We are lowering the averages. Hang tak payah jadi pandai macam aku, biar aku jadi bodoh macam hang !
We are nailing the Malays inside the language cocoon. We are also creating a “non English understanding rural poor” versus an “English speaking urban elite” divide. The Malays who cannot speak English will be left further and further behind.
The English speaking urban folks (Malays, Chinese and Indians) will move light years ahead of the non English speaking folks. There will most definitely be an English speaking elite in the country. More problems will arise.
Then we have also allowed International Schools in the country to be opened to all Malaysians. We also have foreign universities like Nottingham and Monash. We are basically denying many Malays from qualifying to enter these universities and international schools. They can go to UITM and become more ‘cocoon infested’ and unemployable.
But very, very few kids make it to university or college in the first place. Only 2% to 3% of the population goes to university anyway. The large bulk of our young kids will become school leavers (SPM or PMR) with no employable skills, no knowledge of “life giving” English. Their future is doomed.
Akhir sekali saya nampak peluang hidup bagi budak Melayu dari kampong menjadi lagi tipis. Siapa yang ada tanah getah, mungkin akan kerja potong getah saja di kampong. Kalau tak ada tanah getah, depa akan berhijrah ke Bandar dan pekan untuk mencari kerja sebagai office boy, messenger dan peon.
They may even think that office boy, messenger and peon are three different careers.
Please reverse this policy. It is a very big mistake.
In one of my Four Wheel Drive trips into the jungle some years ago, we stopped at a place called Cheneh in Terengganu. I remember a makcik at a roadside stall made some nice ayam goreng. My good friend Juhaidi was with me and also my two boys.
Cheneh was (and maybe still is) a typical rural backwater. The folks did not seem to know if they were coming or they were going. There was Astro but I think the favorite show was ‘Tom Tom Bak’. But I did recall saying aloud that someday I hope that the folks in Cheneh would watch CNN, BBC and CBS and that we could just drive up and ask the makcik in Cheneh ‘Whats on CNN today?’ But I think that’s not going to happen at all.
Tuan Tuan dan Puan Puan, our Prime Minister Dato Najib has made his first bungle – and within the first 100 days too. No Sirs, it is a major bungle. You have bungled big time.
Lets manage this “crisis in the making” now. First of all please stop from saying anything more about the switch from English to Malay. The more things you say, the more “face saving” devices you will need for you to swallow your pride before you can undo this mistake. But this mistake must be undone.
I just happened to be with Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad yesterday Thursday July 9th 09 slightly after noon when the news came in that the Cabinet had decided to flip flop over the language issue.
Firstly Tun Dr Mahathir raised a simple but valid point. The main reason quoted by Tan Sri Muhyuddin to favor the switch to Malay was that the rural Malay kids were doing poorly in Maths and Science (which are taught in English) compared to the urban kids. But what about exam scores for the rural kids in all other subjects which are taught in the Malay language? Dr Mahathir said no one showed him the statistics for that. Why?
If you say that English is the reason why the rural kids are doing so poorly in Maths and Science, then by your logic the rural kids should be scoring the same as or better than the urban kids in other subjects that are taught in Malay? By your logic rural kids should be doing better than the urban kids in Sejarah, Geografi, Kemahiran Hidup, Bahasa Malaysia and other Malay language subjects.
But we know that rural kids generally score lower than urban kids in most subjects (except maybe Agama). And language has got nothing to do with it. Rural kids are usually found in lower income households, their parents are usually less educated, they have less achievement goals and so forth. That is why you call them ‘children from rural areas’. They are poor people and they are underachievers.
So this comparison with rural kids and urban kids is not fully accurate (Tun Dr Mahathir used another word which I need not repeat here).
Let me give you some street feedback. At least one Internet based employment agency has instructions from its clients to completely ignore any job applicants who are graduates from UITM (University ITM). As we know UITM graduates are all Malays. They say the quality of the graduates is low and their English is bad.. They are unemployable. This is what I heard.
Another preference by another employer – a Multi National Corporation - in the job market is to take in job applicants who are graduates of IPTA (private universities) who have done twinning programs. This means their English is good and they are more marketable. Again this means Malays with poor English skills are not preferred. Bottom of the line.
And here is some news from Cyberjaya. We opened up Cyberjaya and gave foreign investors much benefits and incentives to open business there. Among the foreign investments in Cyberjaya are ‘Call Centers’. Well some ‘Call Centers’ in Cyberjaya take in Indians as a first choice for employment. They feel that generally Indians speak better English. Second choice are Chinese. Finally they will look at Malays as the last choice but rarely. Even with the emphasis on English the past six years, the Malays cannot speak enough English to get a job answering telephones in Call Centers in Cyberjaya.
We cannot shut them down or arrest them under the ISA for practising such discrimination. They come here for business. We must provide them the tools necessary to run their businesses well. We are not doing the job.
To Dato Najib and Tan Sri Muhyuddin Yassin, why are you doing this? Who agrees with you? Who are you afraid of? Takkan UMNO Johor is so powerful to frighten Muhyuddin?
Last nite I met a Deputy Minister and a well known “ultra Malay” ex-newspaper editor. The Deputy Minister said it was a bad decision to switch back to Malay. The ‘ultra Malay’ ex-editor was visibly upset and said “I have no comments. I don’t want to say anything.” I think he did not agree with the switch at all. Another well known “ultra-ultra” Malay defender of all things Malay (if I just mention his job you will know who he is) said the switch to Malay was ‘satu langkah ke belakang’.
A Tan Sri from Kelantan said in English “this is a giant leap backward for the Malays”.
In the present world, the English language is a ‘life giving’ language. The amount of new knowledge and new information that comes out in the English language is astounding. No one can translate all the new knowledge and information that comes out in English EACH and EVERY DAY. It is impossible. We have to master this language. There is no other way.
Then we have the ‘tidak masuk akal’ ideas. Tan Sri Muhyuddin says after the switch back to Malay, he still wants to upgrade the teaching of English in the rural schools. He wants to employ about 1000 native English speakers to teach English in rural schools. By native speaker I do not know if he is referring to Mrs Naidu from Brickfields or if he wants to employ real Mat Sallehs from outside the country.
Mrs Naidu the retired English teacher will gladly teach English to our children for RM3000 per month. But we will have to pay the Mat Sallehs RM15,000 a month or more before they will come to work here.
But if that is a good idea then why not employ 1000 Mat Sallehs at RM15000 a month to teach Maths and Science in English in the rural schools?
Because according to Tan Sri Muhyuddin, it is not the school children in the rural schools who are to be faulted. The real culprits are the teachers. Muhyuddin let the cat out of the bag. Here is what Muhyuddin said (from the Press):“It was based on empirical studies and other specialist reviews,” he said. Based on studies conducted in 2008, he said, the ministry found that only a small percentage of teachers fully used English to teach the two subjects. “On average, the percentage of those using English during Mathematics and Science periods was around 53% to 58%,” he said, adding that only a small number of teachers were proficient. Muhyiddin said studies carried out by local universities found that students’ mastery level of English during the entire policy was around 3% while the level among rural students was low.”
So don’t push the blame on the rural students lah.
It is the teachers who were malas to teach in English. And there are other reasons why some Malay teachers do not use English. Among them are religious reasons because some people believe that speaking English may lead to you ‘jadi kristian’.
Even in the towns (including Kuala Lumpur) it is also considered “showing off” if Malay people speak English. So there are other quite illogical reasons why Malay teachers are shy to speak and teach in English. Don’t just blame it (and quite wrongly too) on the rural school children. That is not correct.
And even if what Tan Sri Muhyuddin is saying is indeed true, why burden the urban kids and dim their chances at a better future just because the rural kids are having problems with English?
Urban kids are usually the children of parents who are more educated, who work in offices, run businesses and generally earn a higher income and enjoy a better standard of living. The rural folks are usually much poorer than the urban folks.
That is why we have to make sure that the rural folks get the same or better opportunities to get out of the poverty cycle and move up in life so that they too can enjoy a standard of living like the urban people. A good education and the ability to converse in English is definitely one way up.
But what this policy reversal has done is to lower the entire national average. Instead of moving the rural people up the ladder, we are now moving moving the urban folks down to the level of the rural people.
We are lowering the averages. Hang tak payah jadi pandai macam aku, biar aku jadi bodoh macam hang !
We are nailing the Malays inside the language cocoon. We are also creating a “non English understanding rural poor” versus an “English speaking urban elite” divide. The Malays who cannot speak English will be left further and further behind.
The English speaking urban folks (Malays, Chinese and Indians) will move light years ahead of the non English speaking folks. There will most definitely be an English speaking elite in the country. More problems will arise.
Then we have also allowed International Schools in the country to be opened to all Malaysians. We also have foreign universities like Nottingham and Monash. We are basically denying many Malays from qualifying to enter these universities and international schools. They can go to UITM and become more ‘cocoon infested’ and unemployable.
But very, very few kids make it to university or college in the first place. Only 2% to 3% of the population goes to university anyway. The large bulk of our young kids will become school leavers (SPM or PMR) with no employable skills, no knowledge of “life giving” English. Their future is doomed.
Akhir sekali saya nampak peluang hidup bagi budak Melayu dari kampong menjadi lagi tipis. Siapa yang ada tanah getah, mungkin akan kerja potong getah saja di kampong. Kalau tak ada tanah getah, depa akan berhijrah ke Bandar dan pekan untuk mencari kerja sebagai office boy, messenger dan peon.
They may even think that office boy, messenger and peon are three different careers.
Please reverse this policy. It is a very big mistake.
Monday, July 6, 2009
futsal piala MB Sel
johan wanita PULAPES B


kejohanan di atas tlh diadakan ditpt aku dan aku sebagai Pengerusi Kejohanan. Ianya tlh dirasmikan oleh YAB Dato' Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Dato' Abdul Khalid Ibrahim. Ini adalah edisi ke 2 dan tlh mendapat sambutan yg menggalakkan dgn penyertaan oleh 82 pasukan (54 L dan 28 P)


kejohanan di atas tlh diadakan ditpt aku dan aku sebagai Pengerusi Kejohanan. Ianya tlh dirasmikan oleh YAB Dato' Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Dato' Abdul Khalid Ibrahim. Ini adalah edisi ke 2 dan tlh mendapat sambutan yg menggalakkan dgn penyertaan oleh 82 pasukan (54 L dan 28 P)
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
al-fatihah utk MJ

MJ atau micheal jackson tlh meninggal dunia baru2 ni dan semoga rohnya akan bersemadi dgn aman.
ada berita mengatakan beliau tlh memeluk agama Islam dan abangnya semasa bercakap bagi pihak keluarga seakan telah mangiyakan berita ini, syukur
apa yg menyedihkan, jenazahnya masih blm dikebumikan ttp perebutan ke atas harta2nya tlh bermula dan tlh pun dibawa ke mahkamah dan tlh ada keputusan awal yg memberikan hak kpd ibunya. Inilah ragam manusia
beliau ada datang ke kuala lumpur mengadakan konsertnya suatu ketika dulu ttp aku tidak berada di stadium merdeka ketika itu sb bukannya aku minat sgt akan muzik2 sebegini.
apa pun kematiannya tlh meninggalkan lagasi...
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